
cool toys for all the good boys and girls

What is MANDOFUN? Why call it MANDOFUN?

Here is a little history from my pages; I come from a military world, I've been in civil service all my life… But the one that topped the cake, was being told to go to a party…

Manditory Fun Day aka MANDOFUN

  1. When your boss or CO (commanding officer in military terms) makes it a requirement to show up to a pick-nic, BBQ, or some other stupid crap in order to build "team spirit" or "esprit de corp."

  2. Your boss has no friends of his/her own, and decides that all of his/her subordinates should show up to one of his/her lame functions.

  3. The Colonel or Sergeant Major have no friends and everyone hates them. Therefore, their subordinates are required to put on their 'Class A' or 'Dress Blue' uniforms and listen to some old guys make drunken, teary-eyed toasts to their first pair of jump boots.

Welcome to the shit show…